Lighting the Way for Tallahassee

Ash Jones
4 min readFeb 28, 2020

And connecting Tallahassee with the world

Photo by Igor Lepilin on Unsplash

In the course of a year, I went from having no direction to overwriting my life path and becoming a software engineer working on a tech startup to help people connect. If it had not been for the amazing community in Tallahassee, I doubt I would have found my purpose- I was able to discover it thanks to the people of Tallahassee.

👥 Why Tallahassee is Awesome

Photo by Aerial Tallahassee


Tallahassee has a community of people who genuinely want to help you.

After I changed my life path, I started getting involved in my local startup community.

Before coming to Tallahassee, I had never been exposed to startup culture or met anyone who had launched a startup.

I was first exposed to the startup world through a local mentor event, in which mentors gave feedback on a startup idea. I had a startup idea and was in awe of the support I was receiving from people I had just met. It was quite a culture shock experiencing how willing a stranger was to help me.



Ash Jones

Philosopher. Writer. Writing about self-development, focus, eliminating distractions