Torch allows you to:
- ✅ Discover your torch with guiding questions
- ✅ Stay focused on your torch by limiting you to only being able to set one goal at a time
- ✅ Check-in daily to help you reflect if your actions are aligned with your goal
- ✅ Change your torch at any time
- ✅ See yourself progress by climbing up a mountain the more days you are aligned
In this post, I will explain the motivation behind the app and showcase its features. If you want to download it and use it while reading the article, you can download it here.
🚀 Motivation:
I personally like to build things I think are useful. I had three main reasons to build this app:
Create a simple, focused “goal tracking” app: I am someone who likes to focus on one major thing in my life at a time and give it 100% of my attention. There are plenty of goal-tracking apps, but they allow you to set multiple goals, which can be distract you from your most important. I was intentional when designing Torch to only allow one, overarching goal to be set at one time. I put goal tracking in quotes, because it focuses on progressing each day rather than achieving a certain outcome.
Build my portfolio: I am building my professional portfolio to showcase my Android development skills. Although it is a relatively small application, it shows I am able to develop entire Android apps on my own from the initial idea to publishing the completed app, implementing the UI, functionalities, logic, app architecture, database, and user experience along the way.
Practice my skills: I wanted to build another Android app that uses Android Architecture Components and MVVM architecture in conjunction with Firebase Cloud Firestore as the database to improve my skills. I learned more about working with data in Cloud Firestore, nested Navigation flows, and building an app using clean architecture.
🕹 Features
The app helps you discover your “torch”- the primary goal, focus, or purpose that is guiding you in life, and stay focused by aligning your actions with it.
When the app is first opened, you will be guided through a series of questions to help you discover your torch:
At the end, you will have answered three questions that should help you discover you ultimate goal and set your torch:
Once you set your torch, it will be displayed front and center when you open the app, which helps you stay focused. You can change your torch at any time, but you can only have one torch set at a time.
You will have a daily notification that asks you if your actions were aligned with your torch.
As you continue to record your small wins each day, you will gradually climb up the mountain. Will you (align yourself for 100 days) reach the top?
The discover section displays answers to all of the discovery questions you answered when you first opened the app, your current torch, and asks if there is a misalignment.
If you feel there is a misalignment or need to change your torch, you can choose ‘yes’ to re-evaluate and change your answers.
🖥 Technical Brief:
I built the app natively with Java, using Android Architecture Components (LiveData View Model, View Binding, and Navigation), MVVM architecture, Material Design, and Firebase Cloud Firestore. The app follows Google’s recommended Single-Activity architecture and uses Navigation best practices to navigate through the app.
I used the following technologies to build the app:
- MVVM Architecture
- Java
- Android SDK
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- View Binding
- Navigation Component
- Firebase Authentication
- Cloud Firestore
- Material Design
If you are interested in the code for the app, you can find it here.
🙏 Appreciation
I want to thank my friend Jonathan Batchelor for his interest in the app and suggestions for the purpose discovery questions. Jonathan is really passionate about helping people find their purpose and is aspiring to build a mentorship program designed to empower youth in underprivileged communities through harnessing passion and purpose.
Check It Out:
You can download the app here. I am always looking to improve it, so please feel free to send me feedback and leave a review on Google Play.
I hope you enjoy using Torch! 🔥
⌨️ Torch code
I’m going to use this awesome app called Reply to easily share Torch with all of my friends and post it on all my social platforms from mobile!
👀 Check out my other apps.
Hi, I’m Ash 👋🏼 Let’s connect!
🌐|👥 @TJgrapes|✉️
👨💻 Google Certified Android Engineer |
✍ Writer |
🧘♂️ Stoic && Meditator
📱 Need an app built? Contact me here.